Poor Planet Earth.

Yesterday, like any other working day, I read a Dutch daily tabloid called Metro on my way to the office. The headline successfully grabbed my attention “The Coldest Easter in 40 Years”. Indeed, it was snowing pretty hard that morning as well as the day before. End of March, and I am in my winter boots and wearing five layers of clothing. In contrast, in the same month last year, spring in Holland was reported the warmest in many many years. Today, whilst browsing on CNN online, I read an article reporting that some 220 square miles of ice has collapsed in Antarctica and an ice shelf about the size of Connecticut is “hanging by a thread”. Aggravating my frustration, I read another article on Kompas.com outlining that the number of cars in Jakarta is still increasing rapidly. I am not going to argue on these issues. I am pretty sure each and everyone of us is aware of the perils faced by this very planet we share and live on. Should we do something? or should we just stop listening to news and buy SUVs anyways?

2 Responses to “Poor Planet Earth.”

  1. err.. masalah Paskah terdingin.. itu bukannya agak berlebihan ya? hehe.. secara Paskah taun ini kan emang bukan bulan April (biasanya kan April).. hehe..

    kalo gag salah taun lalu, pas bulan Maret, juga emang masih ada salju? CMIIW. :)

    cuman berita sisanya.. emang agag membuat hati teriris.. :(

  2. haha…namanya juga headline pasti hiperbol dong Dho…dan gak cuma di Metro tapi di dagblad yang lain juga ada headline serupa….tapi tahun lalu April awal-awal itu udah mulai anget kan? dan Maretnya gak sampe separah ini dinginnya dan salju juga gak sampe numpuk toh?! Taun lalu siy gak berasa winternya… ! Ya kita liat aja kalo April tengah2 nanti udah anget ato belum…mudah2an aja ya..BT juga ngantor begini terus *haciih..sroot sroot! pilek! :(

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