Archive for OASIS

OASIS concert in Amsterdam!

Posted in Music and Film with tags , , , on January 23, 2009 by farrahalmira2

So last night was the night! Me lucky me finally got the chance to watch Oasis live! the weather in A’dam was terrible, as usual..but I didn’t get discouraged at all..way too excited! Met up with Kemal, Chaki and Meity at the Burger King nearby the Heineken Music Hall before heading to the venue. The first thing I did in the HMH was buying a t-shirt of Oasis, lime colored. A British band called Twisted Wheel was the opening act. I was busy pushing myself (and people around me) to get to the front row, so I didn’t really pay attention to the band.

oasis in amsterdam

Oasis began their performance at around 8.30pm. The stage was really impressive as seen in the pictures! Me & Chaky could manage to get ourselves to stand really close to the stage, don’t ask how, it was terrible…thus, I could really make some great close-up pictures of Liam & Noel. My camera really did a great job in capturing the moments.

oasis in amsterdam 3

oasis in amsterdam 2

Oasis performed some of their classics such as Wonderwall, Don’t Look Back in Anger & Champagne Supernova (which successfully made me and the audience overly ecstatic).  They also played songs from their newest album, obviously. Noel had to sing some songs to cover Liam, as he just recovered from a severe throat condition. Good that they didn’t cancel the concert as they did in Dusseldorf only two days before. But hats off to Liam, he could still deliver a great performance. All in all, Oasis performance last night was a blast. I enjoyed it big time :) Here is a short video of Champagne Supernova from last night.

(Sorry..couldn’t make it ’til he finishes the lyric, my camera’s memory was low)

OASIS in Amsterdam.

Posted in Music and Film with tags , , on November 1, 2008 by farrahalmira2

I’ve secured tickets to OASIS Dig Out Your Soul concert in Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam on January 22nd 2009. Yay!