Archive for Saleh Djasit

Indonesia Today

Posted in News with tags , , , on May 29, 2008 by farrahalmira2

Just another ordinary working day. I’m sitting behing my PC browsing from one Indonesian site to another to overcome my boredom satiate my hunger of news. I bumped into some interesting news from our dear country, and by interesting I mean bad.

1. Djoko Suprapto “Is it for real?”

I believe many people have heard of this name. The so-called blue energy inventor is reportedly being “chased” by many parties, namely mafias, corporations and government officials. Everyone wants to get the formula of his “groundbreaking” innovation. So do you think such thing really exists? Or is he just another famewh**e hungry for attention? I think the latter, but we shall wait and see. Articles: here and here.

2. A member of Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) might face a lifetime in jail

And we wonder why. Well he is accused of corruption. Rp 4.7 billion to be precise. Classic! he deserves the punishment, but rats like him can always find a way out, right? They repulse me. Read the full story here.

3. Drivers of angkot went on strike

After the government raised fuel oil prices, drivers have got a lot of troubles to meet the Rp. 200.000 they have to pay to the vehicles’owners every day. So they demand an increase of 40-50% of tariffs, unless they are allowed to buy fuel oils at the old rate. Read the story here.

BBM and KPK are apparently the hot topics these days (besides the headlines of Yuni Shara divorcing her husband). Either people are protesting about the fuel price increases or KPK’s ongoing efforts to root out those corrupt government officials. To overcome the fuel price crisis, I think the government should encourage people to start riding bikes already. For the latter problem, I don’t know, death penalty?

Oh well…no matter how bad things are going on in my very own country, I still want to go home (for a holiday).